Wednesday, 5 August 2015

New Project guidelines

The Board has introduced Project Work in Accounting for Class-XII in the Optional Part B :
'Financial Statement Analysis'. It is expected that the Project Work will help the students in
developing the skills to comprehend, analyse and interpret accounting data of the business
firms and make it meaningful for taking business decisions.
Project Work
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Marks: 20
Unit-1 Project file 4 Marks — As per requirement (given below)
Unit-2 Written Test 12 Marks — One hour
Unit-3 Viva Voce 4 Marks — As per requirement (given below)
To enable a student to complete the accounting process in real life business situations and
apply the tools of analysis as per the syllabus for a comprehensive project.
To develop the competence of reading accounting data from quarterly or half yearly or
annual reports of business firms and interpreting the information on the basis of given
guidelines to present the desirable information in required format in the Project File for
Specific Projects.

During the academic session the students will work on at least three types of projects out of
which one will be of Comprehensive nature. The comprehensive project will involve the
students from the initial stage of accounting to the preparation and analysis of financial
statements. The data provided or the Project Statement will be as close to the real life situations as possible. The project statement should cover all important aspects like investments, financing, operating, adjustments to final accounts, etc. in a condensed form. The situations given in these problems will require a student to derive meaningful conclusion for taking decisions for the purposes of investment, expansion, financing, etc.
Two projects will be of specific nature using at least one tool of analysis in each. The data for these will be drawn mainly from quarterly or half yearly or annual reports of corporate sector.
Students will analyze the information given in the financial statements as follows :

a) Performance of Segments keeping in mind their three parameters Revenue, Net Profit and Capital Employed of companies on quarterly or half yearly or annual basis. This is widely published and reported by the companies. It can be picked up either from the newspapers or from the websites of the companies.
b) Comparison of Revenue, Net Profit and Earning Per Share (EPS) on quarterly or half yearly or annual basis with the help of comparative or common size statements.
The Projects given in these guidelines are on sample areas of business activities like Segment Reporting, etc. The teachers and students are free to explore more such areas of business activities for specific projects.
There are four tools of analysis given in the syllabus for the analysis of Financial Statements,
namely (i) Comparative Statement, (ii) Common Size Statements, (iii) Ratios and (iv) Cash Flow Statement. Any one or more of these tools are to be used to derive conclusions. No project is to be prepared on the tools, but these tools are to be used to achieve the object of the project. For instance, there will not be any project on the 'Ratios' as such, but ratios will be used in the development of the project to reach a conclusion.

For the purpose of Project Work, the following ratios will be included :
Liquidity Ratios : Current Ratio, Liquidity Ratio.
Solvency Ratios : Debt to Equity; Total Assets to Debt, Proprietary Ratio.
Activity Ratios : Inventory Turnover, Debtors Turnover, Payable Turnover, Working
Capital Turnover, Fixed Assets Turnover, Current Assets Turnover.
Profitability Ratio : Gross Profit Ratio, Operating Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Return on
Investment, Earning Per Share – Price Earnings Ratio.
A few projects have been given in detail at the end of the guidelines for practice. The student is expected to analyze the facts, and present the information in a meaningful manner for interpretation. Teachers are expected to discuss these problems thoroughly with the students and encourage them to come out with solutions. They are also expected to collect the quarterly or half yearly or annual Segment reports and Revenue and Net Profit reports of companies from newspapers or from the websites of the companies and formulate their own problems for project work.

                                      UNIT-1: PROJECT FILE

Students will prepare a Project File to record their work related to the problems attempted by them in the following format :
1. First page of the file should describe title of work, identity of student, school, and the
teacher concerned.
2. Index to indicate columns for title of work, page no., date, teacher's remarks and
3. The format for Project Work will be :
Statement of the problem/Name of the Project
Period of Study
Source Material
Tools of Analysis used
Processing and Tabulation of data
Diagrammatic/graphic presentation- pie-diagrammes, bar diagrammes and graphs.
Derivations, Interpretation and Conclusion.
Assumptions (if any)
Project File should be neatly handwritten and presentable with page numbers. Each step of the
solution needs to be highlighted. Conclusions drawn should be placed in boxes at the end.

To give them exposure to analyse the financial statements of business firms and help them
derive meaningful information and conclusions therefrom.
To know how effectively the students can derive conclusions and express them.
Guidelines for Teachers
Teachers will discuss with students the sample questions for this test and develop question
papers for the purpose in their house examinations. Some sample questions are given in this
Guidelines for Examiners
Students will be given 2 application-oriented problems of 6 marks each covering the tools for
analysis of financial statements. The question paper will be set in consultation with the school
teacher. No question similar to the question given in the 3 hour question paper of the Board,
should be asked here. Only such questions, relating to financial statements of companies should
be asked which encourage thinking on practical lines. A question bank is given in this booklet
for reference. The external examiner will discuss with the internal examiner all the projects
completed during the year and set the questions accordingly. On the day of the examination
both should come prepared with at least 10 questions each. Both the internal and external
examiners must agree on the nature and scope of questions asked. It must be ensured that
multiple sets of papers are prepared. Marks will be awarded on the steps taken, data identified & solution arrived .

                                                         PROJECT NO. 1
                                                  PROJECT STATEMENT  
M/s Sunil Computers

Rahul and Manoj are two brothers. Rahul was interested in computers and often found time to work on computer. Due to his keen interest in computers and its applications made him to take up computer software subject for his degree course. On the other hand Manoj's core interest was in sitting at his father's shop nearby at market place selling electrical appliances after college hours.
Their father Mr. Sunil was happy that Manoj showed interest in his business, but was so
worried about the brothers drifting apart after college due to varied interests. Mr. Sunil decided that this is the time for him to intervene and make decisions for them. He felt that the interest of his two sons be put together and they could start a flourishing business of their own – Sunil Computers.
The boom in the Information Technology (IT) Industry made him find ways to satisfy his sons'dreams.
Finally he decided to start a computer business for both his sons. He asked Manoj, commerce graduate to draw up a proposal for the same.
Manoj came out with the following:
The area they lived in and run shop consisted of middle income group families and many of
them did not possess computers at home.
Their shop could be used to provide the following services :
Computer classes for various age groups.
Computer using facilities on payment per hourly basis and printing of documents from
Internet access facilities at the prevailing market rates by entering into contract with the
Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL).
Computer game corner for children.
The shop they had in the market place was a single story building. 
On 1  April, 2014, Rahul and Manoj borrowed ` 1,75,000/- each from their father and introduced it as their capital in the firm. They brought in capital as follows : ` 10,000/- each in cash ` 1,65,000/- each by cheque.
They constructed first floor of the building owned by their father spending ` 1,00,000. They put up their proposal to the bank and managed to get the bank loan of ` 3,00,000.

                                                SPECIFIC PROJECTS

Segments are (i) The products of a company like Alto, Dezire and Gypsy of Maruti. (ii) The
area of operation of a company like Consumer Care Business, Food Business and Personal Care Business of Dabur and Passenger transport, Goods transport of a Transport Company. (iii) The Geographical areas served by a service company like Northern Railway, Eastern Railway and Western Railway, etc. of Indian Railways.
It is mandatory for companies to report the progress of each segment as per AS-17 issued by
the Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India since April 1, 2001. It ensures
full disclosure about the revenue from each segment, the profit from each segment and the
amount of capital allocated to each segment. These reports are on quarterly, half yearly and
annual basis. Thus, every segment gets full attention of the management and the shareholders
also come to know the financial position of each segment. It is, required for true and fair
disclosure as well.

Two specific projects on Performance of Segments are presented here :
i) On segments of Prakash Industries Ltd. and
ii) On segments of Dabur India Ltd.
Segment reporting is only one area of business reports. The students should explore more such areas from the company reports for relevant specific projects. For the sake of practice and exercise the students should visit the company's websites and check the quarterly reports for segment performance. This will be the source material for the projects.

                           PROJECT ON SEGMENT ANALYSIS-I
 Analysis of Performance of each segment of Prakash Industries Limited with reference to
 1. Revenue,
 2. Profit and
 3. Capital employed
2. Objectives:
To study whether the contribution of various segments of Prakash Industries Limited
with respect to (i) Revenue, and (ii) Profit, is justified ?
To know as to which operation segment is performing best in terms of Net Profit and
Return on Investment.
3. Period Under Study:
 Financial Year ending 31
4. Tools of Analysis: 
 1. Common Size Statement and
 2. Ratios
5. Source Material: 
 March, 2007
 Newspaper cutting of Audited Financial Results of Prakash Industries Limited from the
Economic Times dated 2 nd  August, 2007 or the Website of the company.
6. Processing of Data :
I. Common Size Statement of Segment Wise Revenue
Compare the Revenue from Operations of each segment of Prakash Industries with
TOTAL REVENUE for the year ended 31 March 2007.
Use the formula =
Degree =  Revenue of the segment  X 100 / Total Revenue

Common size Statement Showing Inter-Segment Comparison of Revenue
For the year ended 31 March, 2007
Segment Power Steel PVC Pipes Others Total
Revenue (`) 12755 94901 6497.00 3079 117232
Percentage of Total Revenue (%) 10.88 80.95 5.54 2.63 100
Degrees for Pie Diagram 39.17° 291.43° 19.95° 9.45° 360°

Source: The Economic Times 2nd
 August, 2007
II. Common Size Statement of Segment Wise Profit
Compare the PROFIT of each segment of Prakash Industries Limited with TOTAL
PROFIT for the year ended 31 March, 2007.
Use the formula to calculate percentage and degrees for making pie diagram.
  Percentage =
  Degrees =
Pie Chart Representing Segment Revenue
Profit of the segment

Total Profit
Profit of the segment
Total Profit

Steel PVC Pipes
Commonsize Statement Showing Inter Segment Comparison of Profit
For the year ended 31 March, 2007
Segment Power Steel PVC Pipes Others Total
Profit (`) (in lakhs) 6506 7985 901 272 15664